Have you ever wondered about how to start a conversation with your teenager about drugs and alcohol? We know this can be a challenging and complicated topic and want to share a couple resources about teenage substance use that may be helpful as you navigate raising a teenager.
ParentUp is one resource you may find helpful. This organization is a partner of the
Vermont Department of Health. It is an online resource that offers tips on how to talk
with your teen about topics such as: alcohol, cannabis, and mental health. It also offers
resources on how to identify signs of potential substance use, risk factors with
substance use, and resources for additional support for your teen. There are videos as
well as brief paragraphs with information.
See the links below to check out some of the ParentUp resources:
â—Ź https://parentupvt.org/
Click the video below to watch a video resource by ParentUp:
Another resource is Northwestern Counseling and Support Services in St.Albans. This
is a community organization offering a variety of support to teens and families, including
support for substance use. Their resources can be accessed by calling their intake
services at (802)-524-6554
If you have concerns about your teenager and substance use, please don’t hesitate to
reach out to one of the high school counselors.
Katherine McElroy
kmcelroy@fwsu.org - 802-849-6711 x13075
Linnea Jahn
ljahn@fwsu.org - 802-849-0706
This blog post was written by :
Linnea Jahn
BFA Fairfax High School Counselor