

Each year all Vermont public schools host the VTCAP assessment to students.

Grade Levels Assessed & Content Areas:

  • Grades 3-9 Test ELA & Math (2 Sessions each for a total of 4 tests/testing sessions)

  • Grades 5 and 8, Additionally Test in Science (2 sessions)

  • Grade 11  Test Science

Below is a link to the school board presentation on the school year 2024 scores. Individual student reports were mailed to families in October 2024.

Spring 2024 FWSU VTCAP Results

FWSU & BFA Equity Supports Designation

Dear Families and Caregivers: 

The Franklin West Supervisory Union, Bellows Free Academy, and Georgia Elementary and Middle School were identified by the Vermont Agency of Education as eligible for Equity Supports as stated in Vermont’s Every Student Succeeds Act plan. Schools and SUs/SDs eligible for Equity Supports have a significant difference in student performance between at least one historically marginalized student group and their historically privileged peers. Our Supervisory Union and Schools were identified due to the gaps in performance between the following student subgroups:

Franklin West Supervisory Union

  • Students who have an IEP

  • Students who are Historically Marginalized

Bellows Free Academy Elementary

  • Students who receive Free and Reduced Lunch

  • Students who have an IEP

  • Students who are Historically Marginalized

Bellow Free Academy MS/HS

  • Students who have an IEP

  • Students who are Historically Marginalized

Georgia Elementary and Middle School

  • Students who receive Free and Reduced Lunch

  • Students who are Historically Marginalized

The SU/SD along with guidance from the VT AOE will develop our Continuous Improvement Plan to address improving the outcomes for all students, including these specific groups. We will continue to address student needs as determined by the analysis of the data we collect. As part of that data, we look at parent survey results and other information we’ve collected from parents and the community.  We thank you all for your feedback. 

 If you would like to be further involved in the development and ongoing implementation of our Continuous Improvement Plan, please contact us. Your support is instrumental in your child’s school success. 

 Thank you. 

Additional information can be found in these slides from the VT AOE.


The Annual Snapshot

The Vermont Annual Snapshot is a quantitative look at school quality, measuring performance for schools, supervisory unions and school districts, and the state as a whole. Released in the fall, the Snapshot measures a range of indicators including:

  • Academic proficiency

  • High-quality staffing

  • Personalization

  • Safe, healthy schools

  • Investment priorities

The Annual Snapshot is part of Vermont's plan under the US Every Student Succeeds Act. The AOE, with consultation from a range of stakeholders, developed the plan to help schools and their communities:

FY24 Annual Snapshots:


Title 1 Parent Involvement

Information for parents/guardians of students in Title 1 schools

BFA Fairfax and Fletcher Elementary  

Research shows that parent engagement is an essential building block to ensuring student success in school. The following documents provide information on how parents can collaborate with schools and become full partners in their child's education. Principals will notify parents of the Annual Title 1 Parent Meeting, where parents can provide feedback and input on district policies and Title 1 programs.   


Consolidated Federal Program (CFP) Grants

Grant Assurances are available for the public to review. FWSU schools currently participate in these grant programs: BFA Fairfax, Georgia Elementary Middle School (Title IIA only), Fletcher Elementary. 

The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) emphasizes equal access to education and establishes high standards and accountability. These are federally funded education programs that are administered by the states. In 2002, the ESEA was amended by Congress and reauthorized as the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). The purpose of NCLB is to close the achievement gap and Title I and Title IIA federal funds are part of this goal.


Local Comprehensive Assessment Plan

The FWSU Local Comprehensive Assessment System is a key element within the global framework of a Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS).  All Franklin West Schools follow the FWSU Local Comprehensive Assessment Calendar and Plan as a means to collaboratively monitor and grow student learning outcomes in Literacy and Math at each grade level.  Additionally, the learning data collected from these assessments are used to inform and improve universal and first instruction efforts so that all students can grow and succeed.   Our Comprehensive Assessment System includes Local and State-level assessments.  Local assessments include Universal Screeners that are administered to all students three times a year, as well assessments used to progress monitor student learning and growth during cycles of interventions.  State-level assessments are given in the spring to assess grade-level achievement and are used to inform collaborative and programmatic decisions around curriculum, instruction, and learning.


Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP)

FWSU works collaboratively to establish a culture of improvement by annually engaging stakeholders in conducting a Comprehensive Needs Assessment that results in a SU-wide Continuous Improvement Plan that addresses both academic and social learning needs across all member schools to ensure our students are successful and future-ready.