
The Fletcher School Board meets on the third Tuesday of each month at Fletcher Elementary School. Please attend meetings or read the minutes linked below to learn more.

The board encourages others to follow the board policy on complaint procedures and present their concerns, problems, or proposals to the person who can properly and expeditiously address their issue. Typically, this means starting with the teacher, then the principal, superintendent, and school board (in that order).

The board will establish the vision, create policies, and assure accountability. The superintendent and principal will manage the school.

Fletcher Board of School Directors

  • Jess Graff, Chair

  • Stephanie Sheldon-Purinton, Clerk

  • David Clark

  • Allison Stafford

  • Morgan Lawton

Email the Board: flboard@fwsu.org

Procedures for submitting a notice of an open meeting law violation:

1. Provide the Fletcher school board with a written notice that alleges a specific violation and requests a specific cure of the violation.

2. Upon receiving the notice, the Fletcher school board has 10 calendar days to respond publicly by either:

a. acknowledging the violation and stating an intent to cure it within 14 calendar days; or

b. denying that any violation occurred and thus no cure is necessary.

3. If the Fletcher school board does not respond within 10 calendar days, it is considered a denial of the violation for purposes of enforcement.

4. If the Fletcher school board acknowledges the violation, they must correct it within 14 calendar days in an open meeting by:

a. Either ratifying, or declaring as void, any action taken at or resulting from:

i. A meeting that was not noticed in accordance with subsection 312(c) of the open meeting law; or

ii. A meeting that a person or the public was wrongfully excluded from attending; or

iii. An executive session or portion thereof not authorized under subdivisions 313(a)(1)-(10) of this title; and

b. adopting specific measures that actually prevent future violations.

5. After either acknowledging or denying a violation, or after the 14-day cure period has passed for acknowledged violations, the Attorney General or anyone affected by the violation can file a lawsuit in the Civil Division of the Superior Court. This lawsuit can seek injunctions or declaratory judgments. Such lawsuits must be filed within one year of the meeting where the violation occurred.

Please click here to read the full text of 16 V.S.A §314 Penalty and Enforcement.