Kindergarten Crowning - Fostering Relationships and Mentoring

Addresses all FWSU Action Plan Targets:

  • Student-Centered Learning
  • Leadership in a Student-Centered Learning Environment
  • Flexible Learning Environments
  • Engaged Community Partners

This past Wednesday, we welcomed our newest students to our learning community at our Kindergarten Crowning ceremony. We have engaged in this tradition for decades and the ritual marks the beginning of our Kindergarten students’ journey at BFA Fairfax.  

This event is one component of our Kindergarten Buddies program that matches students in fourth grade with kindergarten students for the entire year. Over the months, these students engage in a variety of activities from reading a book together, participating in arts and craft projects, or playing a game. Over time a unique bond is formed, and buddies young and old learn important lessons about giving back and the value of kindness.

We are incredibly fortunate to have some of the best students around. These amazing young people are constantly looking for ways to help out around our school, consistently demonstrate kindness and acceptance of all students, and their efforts continue to support a positive learning environment. They possess skills and dispositions that can not be measured, but these acts are witnessed and appreciated each day.  

We are thankful for this opportunity to welcome our newest students, as the Crowning Ceremony continues to be a symbolic event that provides a shared experience and fosters a strong sense of belonging. It is my hope that this ritual will continue to celebrate the importance of service, leadership, and the power of relationships over the coming years. I am thankful to all the staff who continue to provide this experience for all of our students. 

Tom Walsh

BFA Fairfax Elementary School Principal